Abortion justice applies a justice lens to abortion care and access, applying how economic and systemic insecurity and immigration status multiply the barriers to care. All* Above All’s Abortion Justice Campaign features four pillars: 1) strategy accelerators; 2) narrative shapers; 3) policy movers; and 4) network builders. Strategy accelerators build momentum and power by sharing tools and resources with partners at all levels. Narrative shapers shift the cultural narrative and public perception on abortion. Policy movers push proactive abortion policy at all levels of government. Network builders bring partners together in a way that builds across movements.

Living in a world that has achieved abortion justice requires reaching out to and engaging with local, state, and federal elected officials, organization and activation, and having empowered conversations with friends and family. It also calls for removing abortion restrictions in individual states and repealing the Hyde amendment—a 1976 appropriations amendment that blocks federal funding for abortion care, meaning those who receive health insurance coverage via the Medicare program have to pay out-of-pocket for an abortion. The Hyde amendment expands to Indian Health Services, the District of Columbia, those who work in the federal government, and those serving in the U.S. military and the Peace Corps.

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